A new paper published by our PhD student, Mr. Satish Jawalageri in the journal of “Ocean Engineering” on the topic of “Effect of scour erosion on mode shapes of a 5 MW monopile-supported offshore wind turbine”. This work is a collaboration between our research group with our industry partner, Gavin and Doherty Geosolutions and University of Nottingham.

In this work, an integrated model of the wind turbine including wind and wave loads with soil-structure and servo-dynamics, is developed. The frequencies and mode shapes for different scour scenarios, are extracted from the simulated acceleration responses. In addition, the influence of soil density, scour hole depth, and loading on the derived mode shapes is studied. Finally, the sensitivity of mode shape changes due to scour under various wind speeds and measurement noise are also investigated.

The paper can be found here : https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0029801822024143?dgcid=coauthor